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As if you needed any more proof that dogs are literally the MVPs of all time, you will be ready to add real-time coronavirus testers to the list of fantastic things they'll do. Professional sniffer dogs have already mastered the art of trying to find people, drugs, bombs, cancers, and other medical conditions, so it's not totally surprising that they're going to be trained to smell out COVID-19, too. 

German researchers have found that trained dogs can detect the novel coronavirus infection in humans - and too with a surprising 94 per cent success rate, per a replacement study. The researchers said using coronavirus-sniffing dogs publicly areas like airports and sporting events could help prevent further spread of COVID-19.

In Chile’s Santiago, a group of 4 Labradors and Golden Retrievers are being trained at a special camp. Sporting bio-detector jackets, these dogs are deployed at busy places including schools, bus stops and airports. Dogs could detect people at an early stage of the disease to be able to isolate them and perform the appropriate PCR test, avoiding mass contagions,” said lieutenant colonel Cristian Acevedo Yanez, director of the police specialty training school, to Reuters. He added that with over 50 times the olfactory responses of humans, dogs could play a critical role in detecting the virus. He said the canines could play a critical part as Chile seeks to gradually reopen its schools and shops and find people back to work. Over within the united kingdom, a government-funded trial is underway, with scientists from London School of Hygiene & medicine and Durham University training six dogs to differentiate positive samples from negative ones. 

Early detection followed by isolation is one in every of the best ways to forestall the spread of COVID-19. However, the asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmission of the disease poses an enormous challenge here. Since the virus can spread easily in a very very crowded setting, such people can unknowingly cause local outbreaks.

So the dogs can play a really vital role during this pandemic situation to safe the person kind from the virus.


  1. It will be great to see sniffer dogs helping to detect COV-SARS-2 as it appears the world will be living with Covid 19 for a very long time

  2. Thanks for the useful information. It is good to see how dogs play an important role in human lives from companion animals to actually saving lives on a daily basis.


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