Beds for Dog

Best GPS collars for dogs


There are many people who don’t like dogs because they bark too much but barking is among the things that define your dog. By "define" I would mean it gives that dog’s identity and his or her present situation. Dog barking is also like a person speaking and telling you something, but they bark because they are not able to talk to us and even it's not possible for us also. If you want to understand what does each bark means it requires you to be sensitive.

Basically there are many scenarios that you can associate that make a dog bark. The most common would be: 

  •       Excitement and joy: Many dogs bark without any outside cause and may just be showing their excitement and joy this type of barking was faced by infants, girls and women because whenever they saw a pup or a adult dog barking on them they becomes very nervous and they wants to run from that place but at that time a dog either becomes excited to play or in a aggressive mode. At this type of situation please don't be panic and keep calm down and never show that dog that you are afraid of him just walk away from that dog and also make a safe distance.


  •       Territorial barking:  As we know that dogs are territorial animals and they normally bark at the sight or sound of anyone or anything that comes near to their territory. When a dog barks each he or she want to say "This is my place, I will protect it so don't come any closer."


  •         Alarm barking or Alert barking: As we know that dogs are very sensitive animals. They will be among the very first to know if anything dangerous or harm is coming. They are able to sense if something unusual is to be happen or someone unfamiliar is happen. The most important thing is that they can easily sense a human behavior by reading our body language, facial expressions, and vocalizations that person is good or bad.


  •        Attention-seeking barking: Dogs have their needs too like we have so for this they sometimes bark to express their needs. When they want something from us or they would want to do something like when they are hungry, otherwise they want to draw your attention or they want to play, they would try to tell us so in a bark. Isolation, separation, worry and anxiety- all these factors are also major cause of a dog to bark unnecessarily to draw the attention of their owner, or neighbour.


  •          Injury or illness related barking: When something hurts or when your dog does not feel comfortable that all a dog needs, they makes a complain about what they feels by way of a whining bark. We all can understand this when a dog seems not to be in his normal energy like when he or she just lying around and stays in his crate the whole day.


  1. You're absolutely right., from the It's the very important "Intruder in our yard or near our home" BARK
    The higher pitched more expressive "Fire, or smoke or child fell in the pool or similar danger" BARK. & there's the "Postman or or Delivery guy or your Friends here, but I'm not sure if your O.K.r with that" BARK Then there's the "Throw the ball again" BARK. Then, there's the I'm sore or something's up" BARK. Takes us humans a while to differentiate...but when you do, you know weather to jump to & deal with the problem or Tell your Dog 'Its OK, Buddy, it's just the postman" Most barks require the human to let the dog know you heard them! Takes a while for them to "TRAIN" us, as it also takes a while for us to "TRAIN" them. Ears & Tail can also give you important clues. Like the wagging tail, Bark, Bark...."the grandkids are here & I'm so exited cos they play with me" ������


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